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Ibsen in Performance

Discover how different directors and actors have brought Ibsen to life on stage and film.

Ibsen, Folklore, and Myth

Learn more about how folklore inspired THE LADY FROM THE SEA, one of Ibsen's most mercurial plays.

An Incredibly Immersive and Intimate Experience

In November, Court Theatre had the privilege of hosting nearly 600 UChicago students attending performances of The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. We asked students to share a brief reflection on the production. UChicago student Camila Silva submitted the outstanding entry posted here. Many thanks to Camila and all the students who experienced this production!

Othello Around the World

How do different productions of OTHELLO across the globe approach staging Shakespeare's tragedy? Learn about famous stagings from throughout history in this blog.

Process and Evolution

How did more than a year of salon conversations inform Court's production of THE TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO, THE MOOR OF VENICE? Learn more in this blog focusing on the role of Assistant Director and Associate Dramaturg Abigail Henkin.

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