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Court Theatre’s ongoing creative collaboration with the Faculty Advisory Council is a hallmark of its artistic mission. Faculty members from departments across the University of Chicago gather regularly with Court artistic staff to share their insights and perspectives on the dramatic works each new season brings. Plays at Court Theatre are immeasurably enriched by the contributions of scholars from History, Philosophy, English, Physics, Psychology, Classics, Music, and many other fields.

Larry Norman, Chair
Leora Auslander
Shadi Bartsch-Zimmer
Jason Bridge
David Finkelstein
Travis A. Jackson
Leslie M. Kay
David Levin
Ellen MacKay
Peggy Mason
Margaret M. Mitchell
John Muse
Noémie Ndiaye
Deborah L. Nelson
Sarah Nooter
Tina Post
Kenneth W. Warren
Christopher Wild
David Wray
Judith Zeitlin
SJ Zhang

Photo of Tania Richard, Tracy Walsh, and Adrienne Walker by Michael Brosilow.

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