A Raisin in the Sun Extended by Popular Demand

Exciting news! Due to overwhelming popular demand, Lorraine Hansberry’s masterpiece, A Raisin in the Sun, has been extended through Sunday, March 9. Now you have an additional week to experience this stunning portrayal of a family’s fight for dignity and the right to dream.

“The audience response to A Raisin in the Sun has been tremendous. It is such an honor to be doing this show, in this moment, in this place,” shares Director and Senior Artistic Producer Gabrielle Randle-Bent. “I am immensely proud of everyone who brought this dream to life and I am thrilled that even more audience members will now get to experience Hansberry’s stunning, poetic language.”
As the Younger family awaits their recently deceased patriarch’s life insurance check, they allow themselves to imagine a bigger life – a life with room to breathe – until those plans are thrown into jeopardy. Lorraine Hansberry’s language rings as wise and prescient as ever in her moving answer to Langston Hughes’s question, What happens to a dream deferred? Staged sixty years after Lorraine Hansberry’s passing, Randle-Bent brings Hansberry’s masterpiece home to Chicago’s vibrant South Side and Court’s stage for the very first time.
Finally, to enrich your experience of the production, we invite you to join us for our complementary suite of public programs. Explore the play, its themes, and its modern relevance in community, and join us in a deep dive of Lorraine Hansberry’s masterpiece.
Tickets to A Raisin in the Sun – both for the regular run and the extension – are available online or by calling the Box Office at (773) 753-4472. We’ll see you at the theatre!