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Tony Award-winning Musical

James Joyce’s
“The Dead”

Book by Richard Nelson | Music by Shaun Davey
Lyrics conceived & adapted
by Richard Nelson & Shaun Davey
Directed by Charles Newell
Music Direction by Doug Peck

Nov 08, 2012 — Dec 09, 2012

“fiercely moving … a celebration of life … remarkable multitalented cast” -Sun-Times

Filled with the warmth of a flickering hearth, the fervor of an Irish folk song, and the mystery of a snowy winterís eve, this piece tells the tale of a group of family and friends as they gather to sing and dance in celebration of the Feast of the Epiphany in Dublin at the turn of the last century. Hauntingly beautiful and joyfully spirited, James Joyce’s “The Dead” offers a heartfelt accompaniment to the holiday season.

Sparkling songs, many of them traditional sounding Irish melodies that are performed as entertainment by the partygoers, are all original. In Court’s production, the actors bring the music to life playing instruments, singing, and dancing at the celebration.

“Doug Peck and I are returning to James Joyce’s “The Dead”  as the next step on a journey that includes Caroline, or Change and Porgy and Bess. With these shows, we learned important lessons about ritual and community that we’re applying to Richard Nelson and Shaun Davey’s masterful musical: for example, all of the instrumentation will be performed by the characters themselves, making it a more authentic experience with even more emotional depth. This will be a production of  “The Dead” unlike anyone has ever seen before.” -Director Charles Newell

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