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Welcome to the new!

We are proud to announce the launch of our redesigned website. On behalf of all of us at Court Theatre, welcome! Our old website served us well for almost ten years, but an antiquated database had made the site extremely slow and difficult to navigate.

We’d like to highlight some of the new site’s features:

  • The new site is much faster and easier to use across desktop, mobile, and tablets.
  • You can now find more information you need on the site. We’ve expanded our production pages, added a community engagement section, showcased special events, and more.
  • The left-side menu is designed to make navigation fast and simple.
  • Browse all of the events happening throughout the year in one place on the Season & Tickets page.
  • Stop by the plan your visit section for expanded information including maps, recommended restaurants, neighborhood information, and everything else you need to know before visiting Court Theatre.
  • The Spotlight Reading Series now has its own section where you can learn about upcoming readings of plays by authors of color rarely produced.
  • The look of the site better reflects Court’s aesthetic and offers plenty of space to showcase the beautiful production photography of past plays giving you a feel for the quality of art you will experience here at Court.
  • We’ve upgraded the ticket and subscription interface to make buying online a much improved process for our patrons and donors. And, don’t worry, all of your account information is secure and still available—just with a new look.

The site has been in the making for nearly a year. It has been a labor of love for a few of us on staff here and we are so happy to finally share that love with our patrons. We hope the new will improve your online experience and deepen your relationship with Court Theatre.

As always, we welcome audience feedback. Is there information you’d like to see added? Something you can’t find? Send an email to let us know what you think.

While we do absolutely love a classic play, we’re thrilled to leave classic technology behind in favor of a new, modern website!

Posted on June 23, 2017 in Theatre News

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